Hemp: Can it get you high?

Try this now, simply type in the word “hemp” on your Google search bar, and see what pops up.

The first FAQ would be “What exactly is hemp?” And yes, this line is verbatim.

For those who knows, know. Ever since I started incorporating the hemp protein shake into my daily routine, I’ve been getting the maple leaf emoji from friends, strangers and even family members, hello uncle Kenny.

But for those who are new to this secret club, Hemp is actually, according to an excerpt from Wikipedia, “a variety of the Cannabis sativa plant species that is grown specifically for the industrial uses of its derived products.” (Waw waw, look at me and my karangan citation skills, I still got it)

So another popular plant in the Cannabis fam is none other than weed.

Now, let’s circle back to what I’ve been getting asked constantly, “Can you get high from consuming it?”

I got my Hemp protein and Hemp hearts from Organicule and the answer lies within the packaging itself.

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If you take a closer look at the disclaimer…

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So the answer is… OF COURSE NOT LA AIYO.

The amount of THC (short for Tetrahydrocannabinol- which is the principal psychoactive constituent found in cannabis) is not high enough to have any psychoactive effects on your brain or body. Hence, it is safe for consumption.

I personally, don’t prefer the taste of protein shakes, especially ones that are too thick in consistency, but this is the perfect amount of flavour and thickness.

How I normally make it is with 5 simple steps:

  • Take half a cup of soy milk
  • Add in a spoonful of hemp protein
  • Mix in half a cup of water
  • Blend it all together, with an option to add in some ice
  • Top it off with a generous amount of hemp hearts

It’s so simple, yummy and nutritious. Depending on how your body works, I like to take it after I work out just to give my muscles that extra boost, but I understand that some would like it before a work out. So to each it’s own.

Hope you enjoy this simple recipe, stay tuned to my next superfood blog post coming up!

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